Our Artists
The Artist Index includes more than three hundred artists currently represented in the collection. We are excited to be in the early stages of documenting our artists prompting a new digital era of online exploration and presentation. It will be updated periodically to reflect additions and changes to the holdings.
Less familiar city names without further designation are understood to be in Wisconsin.
Bakker, Gerhard
Solingen-Wald, Germany 1906–1988
Balkin, Andrew
Niagara Falls, New York 1947
Bamberger, Tom
Milwaukee 1948
Barry, David Frances
Honeoye Falls, New York 1854–1934
Bartlett, Elwood Warren
Walworth County 1906–1981
Baxter, Ellen
Oneida 1893–1986
Baylor, Reginald
Milwaukee 1966
Beck, John Leonard
Milwaukee 1917
Bell, Kendrick
Shorewood 1913–2004
Bennett, H.H.
Farnham, Quebec, Canada 1843–1908
Bentley, Lester
Two Rivers 1908–1972
Berenz, Thomas
1981–Fond du Lac
Berman, Fred
Milwaukee 1926–2011
Biberstein, Franz
Solothurn, Switzerland 1850–1930
Bielefeld, Lois
Milwaukee 1978
Bielefeld, Otto
Milwaukee 1908–1982
Blau, Dick
New York 1943
Blietz, Craig
Sister Bay 1956
Bode, Marian
Milwaukee 1915–2005
Boerner, Edward
Cedarburg 1902–1981
Boggs, Franklin
Warsaw, Indiana 1914–2009
Bohrod, Aaron
Chicago 1907–1992
Boose, William
Jackson City 1887–1997
Brautigam, Mark
Milwaukee 1972
Breadon, Eóin
Hudson 1975
Brink, Guido
Düsseldorf, Germany 1913–2002
Bruenchenhein, Eugene Von
Marinette 1910–1983
Buie, Tyanna J.
Chicago 1984
Burke, Patrick
Newton 1984
Burkert, Nancy Ekholm
Sterling, Colorado 1933
Burkert, Robert
Racine 1930
Butler, Jeff
Madison 1958
Byrd, Gibson
Tulsa, Oklahoma 1923–2002
Calatrava, Santiago
Benimàmet, Spain 1951
Carney, George Sedgwick
Terre Haute, Indiana 1868–1941
Casanova, Patrick
Hudson 1950
Casper, Edwin F.
Rockfield 1884–1951
Caster, Paul
Evanston, Illinois 1951
Cieslik, Ralph
Milwaukee 1922–2000
Clark, Jon F.
Waterloo 1947
Clayton, Deanna
Mount Clemens, Michigan 1968
Clayton, Keith
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1964
Clemens, Paul Lewis
Superior 1911–1992
Coffey, Marion
Milwaukee 1924–2011
Cogswell, William
Sandusky, New York 1819–1903
Colescott, Warrington
Oakland, California 1921–2018
Colt, Arthur
Ottumwa, Iowa 1889–1972
Colt, John Nicholson
Madison 1925–1999
Connors, Michael
Milwaukee 1949
Cooke, Melissa
Oconomowoc 1982
Copoulos-Selle, Stephanie
Milwaukee 1948
Corey, Carl
Chicago 1954
Cornelius, Chris T
Milwaukee 1971
Cox, Doris
Oshkosh 1904–2003
Cox, Stephan
Des Moines, Iowa 1956
Crane, Jean
Grafton 1933
Cressy, Susan
Milwaukee 1856–1942
Curry, John Steuart
Dunavant, Kansas 1897–1946
Curtis, Edward Sheriff
Whitewater 1868–1952
Czebotar, Theodore
Milwaukee 1915–1996
Daeda, Orison
Duluth, Minnesota 1919–1995
Darmek, Dennis
Milwaukee 1950
DeVinny, Douglas
Montrose, Colorado 1944
Dietrich, George Adams
Bordon Clark County, Indiana 1905–1999
Dix, Charles
Oconomowoc 1939–2005
Donhauser, Paul
Berlin 1936–2007
Drehfal, Tony
Milwaukee 1956
Driesbach, David
Wausau 1922–2019
Driesbach, Fritz
Cleveland 1941
Durward, Bernard Isaac
Montrose, Scotland 1817–1902
Dwyer, Charles
West Bend 1961
Farrell, Patrick
Escanaba, Michigan 1945–2016
Fenster, Fred
New York 1934
Fernekes, Max
Milwaukee 1905–1984
Fery, John
Straßwalchen, Austria 1859–1934
Fink, Matt
Milwaukee 1960
Flower, Forrest
Portage 1912–1948
Foster, Steven D.
Piqua, Ohio 1945
Frackelton, Susan
Milwaukee 1848–1932
Fraser, Austin
Saskatchewan, Canada 1911–2006
Friebert, Betsy Ritz
Hibbing, Minnesota 1910–1963
Friebert, Joseph
Buffalo, New York 1908–2002
Friebert, Judith
Milwaukee 1945
Fujimoto, Sharon
Hiroshima 1951
Gansheroff, Samuel
London 1909–1979
Gee, Reginald
Milwaukee 1964
Gerhartz, Daniel
Kewaskum 1965
Gerhartz, Steve
Kewaskum 1971
Gerlach, Fritz
West Bend 1901–1998
Gessert, Earl
Sheboygan 1918–1996
Ghanbarzadeh Afkhamian, Nina
Tehran, Iran 1965
Gilardi, Bernard
Wisconsin Rapids 1920–2008
Glasier, Marshall
Wauwatosa 1902–1988
Gloeckler, Raymond
Portage 1928
Gloeckler, Raymond
Portage 1928–2022
Gondek, Thomas
Milwaukee 1944–2019
Grabner, Michelle
Oshkosh 1962
Grenhagen, Merton
Oshkosh 1878–1941
Gresl, Gary John
Manitowoc 1943
Gromme, Owen J.
Fond du Lac 1896–1991
Groom, Emily Parker
Wayland, Massachusetts 1875–1975
Gross, Thomas
Milwaukee 1938–2012
Grossenbach-Barnum, Marguerite M.
Milwaukee 1900–1996
Grossenbach-Barnum, Marguerite M.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1900
Grotenrath, Ruth
Milwaukee 1912–1988
Gruenwald, John
Gruppe, Antoinette
Milwaukee 1908–1991
Hall, Harold
Oslo 1865–1932
Hammersmith, Paul
Naperville, Illinois 1857–1937
Hampel, Jack R.
Wisconsin 1883–1978
Handler, Audrey
Philadelphia 1934
Hansen, Armin O.
Chicago 1893–1976
Hanson, Harry James
Milwaukee 1990
Harlos, Stella E.
Milwaukee 1901–1978
Harper, David R.
Toronto 1984
Harris, Isaac
York, Pennslyvania 1976
Harrison, Mark Robert
Hovingham, England 1819–1894
Heine, Friedrich Wilhelm
Leipzig 1845–1921
Heyd, Conrad
Bavaria, Germany 1839–1912
Hicks, Morley
Pickton, Ontario, Canada 1877–1959
Himmelfarb, Samuel
Latvia 1904–1976
Hodgell, Robert O.
Makato, Kansas 1922–2000
Holmes, David V.
Newark, New York 1945–2014
Holty, Carl
Freiberg, Germany 1900–1973
Huchthausen, David
Wisconsin Rapids 1951
Huebner, Sr. Rosemarita
Neenah 1932–2015
Hunting, Wes
Cleveland 1956
Huppler, Dudley
Muscoda 1917–1988
Kalmbach Chase, Jessie
Baileys Harbor 1897–1970
Karidis, Jerome E.
Madison 1924–2010
Kasir, David Najib
Chicago 1977
Kerl, Fritz
Bad Langensalza, Saxony, East Germany 1853–1920
Kerry-Harlan, Sharon
Miami 1951
Kingsbury, Anne
Oak Park, Illinois 1943
Kishner, Mel
Milwaukee 1915–1991
Kitchen, Denis
Racine 1946
Kittleson, Earl
Milwaukee 1927–2009
Knapp, Willi (Wilhelm)
St. Wendel, Germany 1901–1972
Koch, Lewis
New York City 1949
Koehler, Robert
Hamburg 1850–1917
Kox, Norbert
Green Bay 1945–2018
Kreilick, Marjorie
Oak Harbor, Ohio 1925–2023
Kuhn, Jon
Chicago 1949
Kutzer, Michael
Leipzig, Germany 1941
Kvalheim, Ethel
Stoughton 1912–2011
Kwint, Kenn
Milwaukee 1937–2020
Langlois, Flora
San Jose, Costa Rica 1927
Lauterbach, Paul Arno
Kahlo, Germany 1878
Lenk, Michael
Germany 1890–1982
Lenz, David
Milwaukee 1962
Lewandowski, Edmund
Milwaukee 1914–1998
Lewis, James Otto
Philadelphia 1799–1858
Lichtner, Schomer
Peoria, Illinois 1905–2006
Lie, Aslak Olsen
Reinli in Valdres, Norway 1798–1886
Lipman, Beth
Philadelphia 1971
Littleton, Harvey
Corning, New York 1922–2013
Littleton, John
Madison 1957
Loeser, Thomas
Madison 1956
Logan, Frederick
Racine 1909
Lohr, August
Hallein, Austria 1842–1920
Look, Dona
Port Washington 1948
Lorenz, Richard
Voigtstedt, Germany 1858–1915
Lowe, Truman
Black River Falls 1944–2019
Lysne, Per
Laerdal, Sogn, Norway 1880–1947
Maddox, Chris
Chicago 1969
Manger, Barbara
Milwaukee 1943
Maras, Thomas
Washington, Iowa 1970
Marquis, Alexander
Glasgow 1829–1884
Marr, Carl von
Milwaukee 1858–1936
Marr, John
Benshausen, Germany 1831–1921
Marr, Ludwig
Milwaukee 1860–1931
Marsden, Walter
Edgerton 1869–1957
Martinez, Sandra
Milwaukee 1959
Martinez, Wence
Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca, Mexico 1959
Mayer, Louis
Milwaukee 1869–1969
McGlauchlin, Tom
Beloit 1934–2011
Mears, Helen Farnsworth
Oshkosh 1872–1916
Meeker, Dean
Orchard, Colorado 1920–2002
Meilahn, Michael
Ripon 1945
Merrill, Robert S.
Union, New York 1842–1924
Michels, Lon
Marquette 1962
Milbrath, Harold
Milwaukee 1916–2008
Mille, Mark
Milwaukee 1950
Miller, Gerhard CF
Sturgeon Bay 1903–2003
Miyazaki, Kevin J.
Wauwatosa 1966
Moeller, Gustav
New Holstein 1881–1931
Monegar, Clarence Boyce
Wittenberg 1910–1968
Mora, Francisco X.
Mexico City 1952
Moynihan, Helen
Chicago 1902
Mueller, Alexander
Milwaukee 1872–1935
Mulhern, Mark
Portage 1951
Munch, Charles
St. Louis 1945
Myers, Frances
Racine 1936–2014
Nauman, Bruce
Fort Wayne, Indiana 1941
Naylor, Karen
Lafayette, Indiana 1964
Nechvatal, Dennis
Dodgeville 1948
Nedobeck, Don
Milwaukee 1936–2020
Neumann, Robert von
Rostock, Germany 1888–1976
New, George Edward
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 1894–1963
Niedecken, George Mann
Milwaukee 1878–1945
Nielsen, James E. and Renee
Baldwin 1944–1960
Niemi, Bruce
Waukegan 1956
Nohl, Mary
Milwaukee 1914–2001
Nowicki, Ervin
Milwaukee 1921–2007
Partridge, Charlotte
Minneapolis 1882–1975
Patel, Narendra
India 1929
Pearson, Dennis
Madison 1939
Pelikan, Alfred George
Breslau, Germany 1893–1987
Perkins, Frederick Stanton
Oneida County, New York 1832–1899
Peter, George
Vienna 1859–1950
Pfaff, Judy
London 1946
Pick, Joan Marr
West Bend 1916–2013
Pierce, Danny
Woodlake, California 1920–2014
Poehlmann, JoAnna
Milwaukee 1932
Pohl, Lavera Ann
Port Washington 1901–1981
Popelka, Jeremy
Bloomington, Illinois 1960
Porcellino, John
Chicago 1968
Potterveld, Burton Lee
Dubuque, Iowa 1908–2000
Priebe, Karl
Milwaukee 1914–1976
Prindle, Paul Baker
La Crosse 1981
Prohaska, Nolan
Waukesha 1979
No Artists Found
Raab, George
Sheboygan 1866–1943
Radtke, Charles
Hermann, Montana 1964
Rathsack, Laurence
Milwaukee 1920–2008
Ream Hoxie, Vinne
Madison 1847–1914
Reed, Roland
Omro 1864–1934
Rehder, Julius
Flensburg, Germany 1861–1955
Reitz, Donald
Sunbury, Pennsylvania 1929–2014
Roberts-Guequierre, Jean
Great Lakes, Illinois 1965
Robertson, George J.
Edinburgh 1810–1894
Rohrbeck, Franz
Torgue, Province of Saxony, Prussia 1852–1919
Rose, Jim
Beech Grove, Indiana 1966–2023
Rose , Suzanne
Kenosha 1964
Rosenblatt, Adolph
New Haven, Connecticut 1933–2017
Rotier, Peter
Baldwin 1887–1963
Rotter, Rudy
Milwaukee 1913–2001
Sahli, Randy
Menasha 1953
Salas, Rafael Francisco
Ripon 1973
Sanderson, Maggie Jo
Boulder Junction 1997
Sayers, John
Montpelier, Ohio 1950
Schade, Robert
Tarrytown, New York 1861–1912
Schatz, Daniel
Milwaukee 1908
Schellin, Robert
Akron, Ohio 1910–1985
Schley, Mathilde
Horicon 1864–1941
Schmidt, Walter
Young America 1889–1962
Schneider, Bernhard
Lüneburg, Germany 1843–1907
Schroedter, Howard
Milwaukee 1925–1989
Schroeter, Wilhelm
Dessau, Germany 1849–1904
Schueler, Jon
Milwaukee 1916–1992
Schuenke, Robert F.
Milwaukee 1931
Schultz, Harold
Grafton 1907
Schwalbach, James Alfred
Germantown 1912–1984
Schwalbach, Mathilda
Minneapolis 1917–2015
Schwartz, Lester O.
Manitowoc 1912–2006
Sebastian, Jill
Libertyville, Illinois 1950
Segall, Julius
Nakel an der Netze, Posen, Prussia 1860–1925
Serr, Jan
Dayton, Ohio 1943
Sessler, Alfred
Milwaukee 1909–1963
Shaffer, O.V.
Princeton, Illinois 1928
Sheridan, Joseph
Quincy, Illinois 1897–1971
Shimon, Julie Lindemann and John
Manitowoc 1961, 1957–2015
Shulz, Adolph
Delavan 1969–1963
Sigwarth, Douglas and Renée
Minneapolis, Dubuque, Iowa 1970
Sinclair, Gerrit V.
Grand Haven, Michigan 1890–1955
Solien, T.L.
Fargo, North Dakota –1949
Spalatin, Marko
Zagreb, Croatia 1945
Spicuzza, Francesco
Termini, Sicily 1883–1962
Spicuzza, Sylvia
Milwaukee 1908–1998
Staab, Roy
Milwaukee 1941
Stamsta, Jean
Sheboygan 1936–2013
Steichen, Edward
Luxembourg 1879–1973
Steines, Brennen
Rockford, Illinois 1993
Stenbom , Jeffrey
Harrisburg, Illinois 1978
Stern, Lucia
Milwaukee 1895–1987
Stevens, Clifford Brooks
Milwaukee 1911–1995
Stevenson, Thomas
Manchester, England 1841–1874
Stoltenberg, Frederick
Hamburg, Germany 1872–1925
Stonehouse, Fred
Milwaukee 1960
Style, Christine
Milwaukee 1952
Suder-Pick, Melitta Hedwig
Summ, Helmut
Hamburg, Germany 1908–1992
Szarkowski, John
Ashland 1925–2007
Terry, Evelyn Patricia
Milwaukee 1946
Thomas, Howard
Mount Pleasant, Ohio 1899 1899–1971
Thomas, Patricia
Danville, Illinois 1918–1989
Thrall, Arthur
Milwaukee 1926–2015
Thurston Farrell, Peggy
Los Angeles 1950
Thwaites, Charles W.
Milwaukee 1904–2002
Tobey, Mark
Centerville 1890–1976
Tredupp Jr., Charles Frederick
Berlin 1864–1936
Trenchard, Stephanie
Champaign, Illinois 1962
Trumble, John A.
Wisconsin Dells 1929–2017
Weber Kennedy, Joan
Arlington Heights, Illinois 1959
Weege, William
Milwaukee 1935–2020
Weiss, Lee
Inglewood, California 1928–2018
Wells, Della
Milwaukee 1951
Wennlund, Jenny Jo
Madison 1980
Wescott, Harold
Milwaukee 1911
White, Doris
Eau Claire 1924–1995
Wilde, John
Milwaukee 1919–2006
Wiley, William
Bedford, Indiana 1937
Wimmer, Mary Alice
Madison 1938
Woltze, Peter
Milwaukee 1860–1925
WPA, Milwaukee Handicraft Project
Handicraft Project 1935 –1942
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Richland Center 1867–1959
Wussow, Jeune Nowak
Milwaukee 1924–2005
No Artists Found
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